MacWorld 2000 February
Macworld (2000-02).dmg
WhiteCap 3.2.2.sea
WhiteCap 3.2.2
WhiteCap Source
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200 lines
#include "WC_WaveShape.h"
#include "ArgList.h"
WC_WaveShape::WC_WaveShape() {
mPrefWidth = 1;
mPrefHeight = 1;
#define _assignOrig( field ) field##Orig = field;
void WC_WaveShape::Assign( const ArgList& inArgs, ExpressionDict& ioDict ) {
UtilStr str;
// Extract, compile, and link in order
mA_Var.Compile( inArgs, 'A', ioDict ); mA_Var.Evaluate(); // The "a"'s are done once per load
mB_Var.Compile( inArgs, 'B', ioDict );
mC_Var.Compile( inArgs, 'C', ioDict );
mD_Var.Compile( inArgs, 'D', ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'X', str ); mX.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'Y', str ); mY.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'Z', str ); mZ.Compile( str, ioDict );
// Set some basic params
mBlurVal = inArgs.GetArg( 'BlrB' );
mNumBlurs = inArgs.GetArg( 'Blrs' );
mSampleDelay = inArgs.GetArg( 'Resn' );
mConnectSamples = inArgs.GetArg( 'ConL' );
mConnectBins = inArgs.GetArg( 'ConB' );
mConnectFirstLast = inArgs.GetArg( 'ConB' ) > 1;
mCanIncreaseScale = inArgs.GetArg( 'ScSz' );
// Change sample expiration/duration from secs to ticks
mSampleDuration = 1000.0 * inArgs.GetFloat( 'Durn' );
// Know the preferred X to Y ratio
mConfigScale = mXYScale = inArgs.GetArg( 'Scal' );
mPrefWidth = inArgs.GetArg( 'widt' );
mPrefHeight = inArgs.GetArg( 'heig' );
mPerspectiveInt = inArgs.GetFloat( 'Pers' );
mFalloff = inArgs.GetFloat( 'Fall' );
// Help make up for the fact that winamp and macamp give us differend data
#if EG_WIN
mFalloff *= 0.82;
inArgs.GetArg( 'LWdt', str );
if ( str.length() == 0 )
str.Assign( "1" );
mLineWidth.Compile( str, ioDict );
// How many steps of s from 0 to 1
mNum_S_Steps = inArgs.GetArg( 'Stps' );
if ( mNum_S_Steps < 1 )
if ( mNum_S_Steps > NUM_SAMPLE_BINS )
// Read and compile the camera xyz pos, dir, and angle exprs
inArgs.GetArg( 'CamX', str ); mCamX.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CamY', str ); mCamY.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CamZ', str ); mCamZ.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CmLX', str ); mCamLX.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CmLY', str ); mCamLY.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CmLZ', str ); mCamLZ.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CUpX', str ); mCamUpX.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CUpY', str ); mCamUpY.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'CUpZ', str ); mCamUpZ.Compile( str, ioDict );
// Read and compile color expressions
inArgs.GetArg( 'R', str ); mR.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'G', str ); mG.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'B', str ); mB.Compile( str, ioDict );
if ( inArgs.ArgExists( 'LvlR' ) ) {
inArgs.GetArg( 'LvlR', str ); mLvlR.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'LvlG', str ); mLvlG.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'LvlB', str ); mLvlB.Compile( str, ioDict ); }
else {
mLvlR.Assign( mR );
mLvlG.Assign( mG );
mLvlB.Assign( mB );
inArgs.GetArg( 'BckR', str ); mBackR.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'BckG', str ); mBackG.Compile( str, ioDict );
inArgs.GetArg( 'BckB', str ); mBackB.Compile( str, ioDict );
mX_Dep_S = mX.IsDependent( "s" ) || mX.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
mY_Dep_S = mY.IsDependent( "s" ) || mY.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
mZ_Dep_S = mZ.IsDependent( "s" ) || mZ.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
mR_Dep_S = mR.IsDependent( "s" ) || mR.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
mG_Dep_S = mG.IsDependent( "s" ) || mG.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
mB_Dep_S = mB.IsDependent( "s" ) || mB.IsDependent( "d" ) || mX.IsDependent( "rnd" );
// Make copies of the original values
_assignOrig( mSampleDuration )
_assignOrig( mSampleDelay )
_assignOrig( mFalloff )
_assignOrig( mNumBlurs )
_assignOrig( mBlurVal )
_assignOrig( mPerspectiveInt )
_assignOrig( mXYScale )
_assignOrig( mNum_S_Steps )
_assignOrig( mConnectBins )
_assignOrig( mConnectSamples )
_assignOrig( mConnectFirstLast )
void WC_WaveShape::SetScaleToFit( long inWidth, long inHeight ) {
float s1, s2;
s1 = mConfigScale * inWidth / mPrefWidth;
s2 = mConfigScale * inHeight / mPrefHeight;
if ( s2 < s1 )
s1 = s2;
if ( ! mCanIncreaseScale && s1 > mConfigScale )
mXYScaleOrig = mConfigScale;
mXYScaleOrig = s1;
mXYScale = mXYScaleOrig;
void WC_WaveShape::SetupTransition( WC_WaveShape* inDest, float* inC1, float* inC2 ) {
mX.Weight( inDest -> mX, inC1, inC2 );
mY.Weight( inDest -> mY, inC1, inC2 );
mZ.Weight( inDest -> mZ, inC1, inC2 );
mCamX.Weight( inDest -> mCamX, inC1, inC2 );
mCamY.Weight( inDest -> mCamY, inC1, inC2 );
mCamZ.Weight( inDest -> mCamZ, inC1, inC2 );
mCamLX.Weight( inDest -> mCamLX, inC1, inC2 );
mCamLY.Weight( inDest -> mCamLY, inC1, inC2 );
mCamLZ.Weight( inDest -> mCamLZ, inC1, inC2 );
mCamUpX.Weight( inDest -> mCamUpX, inC1, inC2 );
mCamUpY.Weight( inDest -> mCamUpY, inC1, inC2 );
mCamUpZ.Weight( inDest -> mCamUpZ, inC1, inC2 );
mR.Weight( inDest -> mR, inC1, inC2 );
mG.Weight( inDest -> mG, inC1, inC2 );
mB.Weight( inDest -> mB, inC1, inC2 );
mLvlR.Weight( inDest -> mLvlR, inC1, inC2 );
mLvlG.Weight( inDest -> mLvlG, inC1, inC2 );
mLvlB.Weight( inDest -> mLvlB, inC1, inC2 );
mBackR.Weight( inDest -> mBackR, inC1, inC2 );
mBackG.Weight( inDest -> mBackG, inC1, inC2 );
mBackB.Weight( inDest -> mBackB, inC1, inC2 );
mX_Dep_S = mX_Dep_S || inDest -> mX_Dep_S;
mY_Dep_S = mY_Dep_S || inDest -> mY_Dep_S;
mZ_Dep_S = mZ_Dep_S || inDest -> mZ_Dep_S;
mR_Dep_S = mR_Dep_S || inDest -> mR_Dep_S;
mG_Dep_S = mG_Dep_S || inDest -> mG_Dep_S;
mB_Dep_S = mB_Dep_S || inDest -> mB_Dep_S;
mLineWidth.Weight( inDest -> mLineWidth, inC1, inC2 );
#define __weightFLT( field ) field = ( inW * ( (float) field##Orig ) + w1 * ( (float) inDest -> field ) );
#define __weightINT( field ) field = ( 0.5 + inW * ( (float) field##Orig ) + w1 * ( (float) inDest -> field ) );
#define __weightBOL( field ) field = .5 < ( inW * ( field##Orig ? 1.0 : 0.0 ) + w1 * ( inDest -> field ? 1.0 : 0.0 ) );
void WC_WaveShape::SetupFrame( WC_WaveShape* inDest, float inW ) {
float w1 = 1.0 - inW;
__weightINT( mSampleDuration )
__weightINT( mSampleDelay )
__weightFLT( mFalloff )
__weightINT( mNumBlurs )
__weightINT( mBlurVal )
__weightFLT( mPerspectiveInt )
__weightFLT( mXYScale )
__weightINT( mNum_S_Steps )
__weightBOL( mConnectBins )
__weightBOL( mConnectSamples )
__weightBOL( mConnectFirstLast )